Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What is the Computer Programming ?

Every piece of software, from a simple word processor, such as Microsoft Notepad, to the most advanced image editing programs, such as Adobe Photoshop, is made by one or more computer programmers who use a programming language that tells a computer how to act. Programming is a highly complex subject that covers many different types of languages and can be used to solve a huge range of problems.


The earliest instance of programming with modern computers occurred in the early 1940s when the mathematician John von Neumann designed a system that allowed for the digital computation of data within the random access memory of a computer. The first computer programs were created by entering the strings of ones and zeros that make up binary code. Low level programming called "assembly codes," which directly access a computer's hardware, were then invented that allowed text commands to be entered which took the place of binary. Assembly languages are specific to each type of hardware, so the next logical step was the invention of a language called "FORTRAN' which was hardware independent and could be used to write programs for any type of computer. The most frequently used modern programming languages are "C++" and "C#" which both have significantly more features and are much easier to read than early programming languages.


  • All of the computer software that you use or video games that you play are created by entering lines of code into a program called a compiler which tells a computer system how to interpret the code and what to do with it. The compiled code is then transferred from the text files that it was created as into an executable file that can be opened by the computer user.


    • Programming languages work by defining variables, such as the number of lives that a game character has or the amount of letters in the alphabet for a text program, and then declaring statements that utilize or change those variables. Each programming language has different terminologies for how variables and statements must be declared, how large a variable can be, and the different types of variables that can be used, such as numbers, letters or strings of letters.


      • There are four main types of programming languages and each has benefits in different situations. Declarative languages are the most simple as they only define what a program is meant to do but do not worry about things like managing memory or controlling the flow of the program. Functional languages do not change variables but rather just work with states that remain unchanging. Imperative languages work by frequently changing the state of the program or its variables. The most complex type of programming language is known as "object oriented" because it is used to create fully functional objects which have many different characteristics and variables and all interact with each other to execute a program. Markup language, such as HTML, can also be considered a programming language, although it only defines how to display information on a web browser and does not actually declare statements or define variables.


        • Writing a computer program can be a highly complex and daunting task even if you are using the most simple type of language. All programs should have a separate section meant to handle errors, such as what the program should do if the user inputs incorrect information or if two statements conflict with each other. Memory management is also an extremely important aspect of programming so that the software does not completely take over the computer's memory and cause everything else to run very slowly or not at all. There are large libraries of pre-programmed options, such as the Standard Template Library for C++, that you can use to quickly solve problems that many other programmers have had to deal with before you.

          Examples of Computer Programing Languages

Do you know any thing about HACKERS ???


  • Beginning in the 1960s, advancements in computer programming, design and technology were accompanied by advancements in the minds of hardware and software genius. By the late 1980s, through trial and error of learning and exploring computer systems and networks, skillful programmers began to manipulate electronic information unearthing private details, making them secure no longer.
    Initially, the term hacker was one of respect and used as a nomenclature for gifted individuals who engineered a new program or converted an old one into something ingenious. Hackers were motivated by the support from their peers and spent time working on the next challenge to amaze the masses. Later, the term became synonymous with cybercriminals.


  • Within the hacker community, there are specialists who are able to perform tasks of a particular nature. An "algorithm hacker" solves problems with a sequence of instructions easily understandable to him. There are hackers who know the ins and outs of operating systems and hackers who can break any password or code.


  • While hackers are capable of accessing unauthorized information, they are also able to prevent other intruders from exploiting a system to access information. Although some hackers do harm, others simply prefer to test the limits to determine their full potential with no malicious objectives.


  • Some hackers break into systems with the intent to "destroy data, steal copyrighted software, and perform other destructive or illegal acts." Due to the "black hat" hackers, those who seek to wreak havoc, government and law enforcement have been forced to evolve with the advancements in technologically based crimes.
    Hacker-related cybercrimes have caused legislative enactments to protect victims from invasion of privacy and law enforcement to beef up its involvement in pursuing computer trespassing culprits. The FBI and Secret Service have specialists in computer intrusion. There are also computer crime specialists at the federally funded National White Collar Crime Center responsible for training law enforcement to recognize computer hacking criminals and bringing them to justice.


Individuals can take precautions against hacker invasions. Installing a personal firewall and being cautious when accessing websites on the Internet are ways to shield yourself. Familiarize yourself with the options for Internet connections; the quickest connection does not mean it is the most secure. The nature of a hacker is to evolve and navigate around the obvious barriers to gain access where least detected. As hackers evolve, so too must protective measures against their hacks.


With the abundance of available information floating around on the Internet and stored seemingly secure in databases, the potential for identity theft and unauthorized access to confidential information will remain a threat. It has been said that there's nothing that you can do to guarantee your complete protection, but measures are being taken by government organizations to minimize future threats.


    Prevent Computer from Virus Threats

    Install Virus Protection Programs...

    Anti-virus programs hunt for viruses and cleans attachments if possible. When a file can't be cleaned, the anti-virus program will isolate the file. The anti-virus program uses the definition list you download from the program's website, or it matches up a general pattern of what a virus looks like.

    The schedule with which the anti-virus definitions are updated can vary, and you may get caught in that window of vulnerability between the virus appearing and it getting updated to the list. Warning: The viruses will get in if you don't keep your anti-virus program updated.

    Software companies use patches to correct a problem or a weakness that people can take advantage of. Patching is a necessity and will be an on going method for computer systems weakness prevention.

    The Internet is not always what you see. Scan all of your email attachments as you download them. This should be done with files you download directly from internet sites as well as music files, programs, e-books, games, etc. Be careful sharing files with others, such as MP3, videos, programs, pictures, etc. Downloadable data can contain malicious code that you download without knowing it, and will infect your computer.

    Downloading the latest patch for your system can stop some of these viruses. You need to get the most recent protection that is out there. Get them directly from the company site. Please note that sometimes you could receive false notifications of necessary update patches in your email, urging you to download a patch immediately to protect your computer. Microsoft does not send update notices by email. These are almost always viruses.

    Trojan is a code that hides from you. Even banner ads can contain trojans. The banner ad displays another pop-up that would redirect you to another site and load the content on that page. This would allow the trojan to execute while you are distracted with the content of the page. Trojan programs do not seek out new computers to infect like a worm or virus.

    A trojan has the ability to automatically infect a computer. The fact that no fix exists for it, makes the appearance of the trojan a problem. MooSoft developed The cleaner for detecting and removing trojans in your computer.

    People can help protect themselves against Active X issues by changing their IE internet security zone settings to prompt them before running Active X components. If your not familiar with changing security settingsvisit PC Pitstop for a free scan to check for security vulnerabilities and automatically set your security controls.

    Hackers use automated programs to break into systems and are used by virus writers who set out to damage or use a computer system. The use of a firewall will help prevent this. A firewall works by warning you when someone is trying to gain access to your computer. If someone gains access to your computer they can retrieve information that you have entered, such as passwords, bank accounts and credit card numbers.Zone Labs offers a free basic firewall.

    A computer worm hasn't been created to spread by instant messaging, however it provides a target. Experts say a computer worm transmitted by using instant messaging programs would infect as many as 1,000,000 computers in less than a minute. New threats to your computer are created on a regular basis.

    Keeping informed and using good judgment is always the very best prevention.
